How to Clean Up Mucky Pond Sediments- MicroLife Clear Get the Muck Out Pond Bacteria Pucks
MicroLife Get the MUCK OUT! is an all natural formulation of concentrated beneficial bacteria for use in ponds, lakes, aquaculture ponds, ornamental ponds, koi ponds and water garden ponds. Apply this all season product around in shallow areas containing organic pond and lake sediments (pond and lake muck) when water temperature is above 55 degrees Fahrenheit (F). When used regularly, this product will reduce pond and lake muck (organic sediments), reduce murky water (improve water clarity); reduce ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and phosphorus; reduce bottom sludge (muck); and reduce odors. Toss 10 to 20 bio-pucks per surface acre every 2 to 4 weeks or as needed. For best results, the dosing rate should be doubled for the initial treatment. The product comes in a large plastic pail containing 100 4-ounce bio-pucks (25 pounds). Visit the following link to view the ‘How to Clean Up Mucky Pond Sediments’ video.