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Beneficial Bacteria
Beneficial Bacteria for Ponds & Lakes

Improving Ponds & Lakes Naturally
Bioaugmentation is the use of specifically cultured products containing beneficial bacteria to improve pond and lake water quality and conditions. Think of using selected different strains of bacteria at highly concentrated levels as probiotics for your pond or lake. The key for the success regarding bioaugmentation really is quite simple – you need high concentrations of pure strains of bacteria that have been field tested by professional pond and lake managers. This is something that you can count on when purchasing our MicroLife Clear and MicroLife Clear Max concentrated benefical bacteria products for your pond or lake.
MicroLife Clear is an all natural product containing highly concentrated Bacillus cultures of bacteria. Hydro Logic has chosen robust strains of Bacillus bacteria that have the ability to grow quickly, withstand multiple environmental factors without easily dying off and for their ability to produce the types of enzymes needed to break down the specific wastes found in ponds and lakes.
When used regularly, MicroLife Clear concentrated beneficial bacteria products will reduce murky water (improve water clarity); reduce ammonia, nitrate, nitrite and phosphorus; reduce bottom sludge (muck); and reduce odors.

Beneficial Bacteria & Aeration
Our MicroLife Clear concentrated beneficial bacteria products for ponds and lakes contain bacteria classified as facultative anaerobes. This means that our strains of Bacillus bacteria will work with or without oxygen, but their metabolic rates dramatically increases when dissolved oxygen is present.
The benefits of properly aerating ponds, lakes and reservoirs are many as discussed at our website at “Why Aerate Your Pond or Lake?” For maximum results, it is best to properly aerate your pond or lake using a high quality pond and lake aeration system like our Hydro Logic AirLift pond aerators and lake aeration systems in conjunction to using our concentrated benefical bacteria products.
Physical Address
1519 Broad Street
Perkasie, PA 18944
Payments & Mailing Address:
PO Box 605
Doylestown, PA 18901
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